Hi everyone—I’ve been as surprised by the pandemic resurgence this year as probably most of you have been. Who would’ve thought we wouldn’t have emerged from the restrictions by now? This experience, along with my having reached a “Golden Years” age, has caused me to rethink my priorities. Simply put: Life is short, time is valuable, family is first, friends are golden, experiences > things.

After much thought, I’ve made the decision to wind down my residential landscape design practice to full retirement at the end of 2021. I’ve had a good 21 year run of being a small business owner with all of its sweat, stress, and joy. Seeing my designs come to life has always been a great source of fun and satisfaction for me. Many thanks to all of my wonderful clients who followed my inspirations for their landscapes to fruition. I enjoyed working with you all immensely.

I am hoping and planning to pursue projects that involve habitat restoration and regenerative native landscaping. If you have a special project along those lines, I may be able to help you. —Patricia Ashmun Acheff, October 13th, 2021

Backyard pollinator paradise

Backyard pollinator paradise